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Category: Litigation Support

June 7, 2022

Thinking About Starting Your Own Law Firm?

一旦你积累了一些法律经验,你可能会考虑开一家自己的公司. Setting up and running a law practice can be a daunting prospect, 但采取某些措施将有助于确保你的公司成长并保持盈利. 这里有一些帮助你成功完成任务的指导方针:制定策略在你确定了特定的客户群或市场,并决定了你的竞争计划之前,你真的不能继续前进. This means knowing… Read more ›

May 3, 2022


If you’re operating a small construction firm, you may be working on a razor-thin margin to stay competitive. 这意味着你不能在没有补偿的情况下承担额外的成本或拖延你的时间. All too often, 当建筑公司卷入工程纠纷时,他们会损失时间和金钱. Worse, a dispute could ultimately damage a firm’s reputation. Fortunately, however, 有几个步骤可以帮助你避免潜在的纠纷,并迅速解决任何… Read more ›

May 3, 2022

How Much Building Maintenance is Enough?

  如果你想让你的房地产继续发挥预期的作用,建筑维护是一个关键的过程, 并在可预见的未来提供不间断的稳定收入流. 一个好的维护程序还可以帮助您避免某些诉讼,原因如下. First of all, 一个维护良好的建筑通常意味着地面也被维护得很好,清除了碎片. 公共区域的功能正常,没有不必要的机器和设备. This translates… Read more ›

May 3, 2022

Successful Law Firm Branding Strategies

  而品牌标识曾经被认为是一种可行的营销技术,仅适用于以产品为基础的企业, it has rapidly evolved to include service firms as well. 虽然许多律师事务所最初不愿加入这一潮流, today, 品牌已成为大多数管理合作伙伴营销策略的核心概念. 这里有四条指导方针,可以帮助你制定一个成功的品牌战略,最好地突出你公司的显著特征. 1. Communicate a Common Culture It is important for… Read more ›

April 13, 2022

Tax Allocations When a Partner Exits

假设你的律师事务所的一个合伙人在公司的纳税年度中途退出. 当年的合伙税目是如何在离开的合伙人和剩余的合伙人之间分配的? There is more than one way to handle this situation. 一般来说,允许使用三种方法进行这种分配. Here is a quick summary of how the three methods can work. 1. 这个选项非常简单,但它可能无法准确反映经济现实……. Read more ›

January 7, 2022

What Makes Your Firm Profitable? Examine Economic Drivers

  Profitability, in a nutshell, is revenue minus expenses. But, as law firm leaders know, 提高盈利能力比这个简单的等式所暗示的要复杂得多. The economy, for example, 能让企业难以像过去那样简单地提高利率吗. How do you solve this quandary? Go back to basics and revisit your firm’s economic drivers. Needs vs. 对许多公司来说,盈利的主要动力是提高利率——而这…… Read more ›

July 17, 2020

Jamie S. 西格尔加入老葡京手机app,扩大公司离婚财务和诉讼支持业务

PDF Version: Jamie Siegal Joins Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell (老葡京手机app),拓展本所离婚财务和诉讼支持业务. Siegal, CPA, CDFA®, has joined Councilor, Buchanan & 老葡京手机app(老葡京手机app)作为离婚财务和诉讼支持经理, expanding the firm’s divorce services practice. 她加入了由六名专业人士组成的老葡京手机app离婚部门团队,帮助客户应对离婚期间财务规划和决策的复杂性. 她有专业知识,致力于提供最有利的结果。 Read more ›

June 19, 2020

老葡京手机app经理Jordan Egert毕业于GWSCPA Margaret DeBoe领导力项目

Jordan Egert, CPA, CFE, CDFA®, manager of litigation support and forensic services at Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell (老葡京手机app), 在周四的一个虚拟识别项目中,她从玛格丽特·德波领导力项目中毕业, June 4. The program, administered by the Greater Washington Society of CPAs, 提供了一个深入的教育计划,每年一批上升的会计师事务所领导人发展他们的沟通, management, 领导和业务发展技能,作为他们技术技能的补充. Since 2016, GWSCPA has hosted… Read more ›

July 30, 2019

Jordan Egert Certified as Financial Expert

Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell的Jordan Egert最近在哥伦比亚特区被认证为法务会计领域的金融专家, litigation support services, and family financial matters. 他曾是马里兰州和蒙哥马利县公认的专家, Jordan正在继续履行和发展他在诉讼过程和整个行业中的角色. As senior litigation support manager, Jordan has been working in these fields for over 12 years, providing dedicated service to clients… Read more ›

April 24, 2018


Jane Ochsman Rowny, principal at Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell (老葡京手机app), 将于4月24日在蒙哥马利县律师协会的合作法部分进行演讲, 2018 from 12 noon to 1 pm. The topic, 财务中立者在家庭及民事合作案件中的角色, reflects’ 老葡京手机app’s expertise in this area. 老葡京手机app partners with attorneys, social workers, 咨询师等行业专业人士协助夫妻离婚的同时办理法律手续, financial and emotional components of the dissolution… Read more ›